Thursday, January 22, 2009


I stare into space
and I let my mind travel.
It drifts with the clouds
and flows over the sea.
It rises and falls
changing with the horizon,
It disperses, it fades
and it draws back to me.

I stare at my hands
and I let my mind wander.
It ponders on this and it
expounds upon that.
It muses and wishes,
escapes from its bounds -
I grab it, I wrench it
And wrestle it back.

I stare at the roof
and I let my mind whisper.
It talks and it pleads
in the hope you might hear.
If fumbles and falters
and panics at shadows,
it races on forwards till
I snatch it back here.

I stare into darkness
and my mind cannot fathom
how, in the midst of confusion
You offer us light.

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